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Skill Moves Guide

Skill Moves Guide for FIFA 21

Skill moves can divide opinion but they aren’t just for trying to enrage your opponent in online play, they’re incredibly useful in career mode too. Not only will they allow you to create and score stunning goals, but they’ll also provide you another option to bypass opponents, especially useful if you don’t have a passing option. They can be a little fiddly to learn, but spend time practicing them and you’ll develop more confidence with them and gain a better understanding of when to use them in matches.

Erling Haaland showing off skill moves in FIFA 21

Here are all the available skill moves in FIFA 21, ordered by the number of stars required to perform them. All instructions are written for Playstation controls, but are easily translated to Xbox controls.

1 Star Skill Moves in FIFA 21

Standing Ball Juggle

Generally used to waste time or to annoy online opponents. Simply hold L2 and tap R1 repeatedly while standing still.

Open up Fake Shot

Hold L1 and tap Square then tap X and move the Left Stick to the Left or Right.


Simply tap R1 twice. This is simply a touch that pushes the ball past an opponent but only on your right side. If successful, you’ll notice your player will move slightly faster as they chase the ball.

Flick Up

Hold L1 and tap R3.

Directional Nutmeg

Similar to Bridge, this allows you to knock the ball past an opponent. Holding both L1 and R1, flick the right stick in the direction you want to move the ball.

Scorpion Kick

Not strictly a skill move but does look impressive when you pull it off. Any player can do this, but you need to be receiving a cross (or other pass) ‘behind’ your player. Hold L2, aim forward with the left stick and press O to shoot.

2 Star Skill Moves in FIFA 21

Body Feint

You can move to either side with the body feint. Simply flick the right stick right or left.

Feint Forward and Turn

Another simple feint, with this one you just need to flick the right stick down twice in rapid succession.

Drag Back

Holding both L1 and R1, flick the left stick down to perform a drag back.

Ball Roll

Super easy, all you need to do is hold the right stick right or left (relative to the player) to roll the ball.


Both stepover skills require you to “roll” the right stick, which means you push it in a specific direction then move it around in a circular motion. In this case, push the right stick forward, then roll the stick round to right or left (a quarter or 90 degrees, whichever makes most sense to you).

Reverse Stepover

Using the same technique as the regular stepover, push the right stick to either the right or left and then roll it to the front (the direction the player is facing).

3 Star Skill Moves in FIFA 21

Fake Left and Go Right

To perform these fakes, you’ll need to roll or rotate the right stick one half, or 180 degrees. To fake left and go right, roll the right stick from “left” to “right”.

Fake Right and Go Left

As above, to fake right and go left, roll the right stick from “right” to “left”.

Heel Flick

While moving, flick the right stick forwards and then backwards to perform the heel flick skill move.

Heel Chop

The heel chop can be performed to move right or left. Hold L2 and Square, then X and LS right to left (or left to right).

Roulette Right

To perform the roulette skill moves, you’ll need to roll the right stick clockwise from the bottom to right (three quarters or 270 degrees).

Roulette Left

This time, roll the right stick anti-clockwise from the bottom to the left.

4 Star Skill Moves in FIFA 21

Ball Hop

While standing still, hold L1 and tap R3.

Fake Pass

While standing still, hold R2 and Square, then press X.

Fake Pass Exit

While standing, hold R2 and Square then press X and left stick to the right or left.

Stop and Turn

While running, flick the right stick up then right or left.

Spin Right

Holding R1, roll the right stick clockwise from the bottom to the right (270 degrees).

Spin Left

Holding R1, roll the right stick anti-clockwise from the bottom to the left (270 degrees).

Quick Ball Rolls

Simply hold down the right stick.

Drag to Heel

Holding L1, flick down the right stick then flick right or left.

Heel to Heel Flick

Flick the right stick up and then immediately down.

Ball Roll Cut Right

Hold the right stick to the left and the left stick to the right.

Ball Roll Cut Left

Hold the right stick to the right and the left stick to the left.

Lane Change

Holding L1, hold the right stick to the right or left.

Drag Back Spin

Flick the right stick down then flick it to either the left or right.

Simple Rainbow

Flick the right stick down then up twice in quick succession.

Three Touch Roulette

Holding L2, flick the right stick down then right to left.

5 Star Skill Moves in FIFA 21

Can only be performed by players with five star skill moves ability.

Ball Roll and Flick

While running with the ball, hold the right stick to either the right or left then flick up.

Heel Flick Turn

Holding R1, flick the right stick up then down.

Turn and Spin

Flick the right stick up then right or left.

Ball Roll Fake

Hold the right stick in either direction (left/right) then flick in the opposite direction.

Ball Roll Fake Turn

Holding L2, flick the right stick up then left or right.

Flick Over

Hold L1 and hold the right stick up.

Spin Flick

Hold R1, flick RS up then right or left.

Tornado Spin

Hold L1, flick the right stick up then flick right or left.

Rabona Fake

While jogging, hold L2 and Square then hold X and the left stick down.

Sombrero Flick

While standing, flick the right stick up twice and then down once.


Roll the right stick along the bottom from right to left.

Reverse Elastico

Roll the right stick along the bottom from left to right.

Elastico Chop

Hold R1 and the right stick at the bottom, move left to right.

Triple Elastico

Roll the right stick down to the right, then to the left.

Advanced Rainbow

flick the right stick down, hold it up then flick up.

Hocus Pocus

Roll the right stick down to the left, then back to the right.

The following skill moves are five star juggling tricks.

Laces Flick Up

L2 and hold R1.

Flick Up for Volley

Hold the left stick up.

Chest Flick

Holding L2, hit R3 three times.

Sombrero Flick

Hold the left stick left, down or right.

Around the World

Simply roll the right stick a full 360 degrees either clockwise or anti-clockwise.

T. Around the World

Roll the right stick 360 degrees as above then flick the right stick up.

In Air Elastico

Flick RS to the right then left.

Reverse In Air elastico

Flick RS to the left then right.